Insight detection methodology: exploring and discovering the consumer
Insight del Consumidor, Investigación del Consumidor, Dato, Información, Conocimiento, InsightResumo
Objective: This article presents a methodology for detecting Insights, which are defined as meaningful perceptions that reveal a deep understanding of consumer needs and desires.
Methodology: This model was developed based on an extensive literature review and tested through research projects and real data analytics conducted for companies across various industries to verify its effectiveness.
Results: The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, integrating traditional and novel techniques to identify the underlying factors influencing purchasing behavior. The proposed method is developed through four stages: data, information, knowledge, and Insight, providing a practical tool for strategic decision-making across various industries.
Conclusions: Practical applications in different contexts let us understand how this methodology has enabled the identification of revealing Insights and improved the understanding of consumer motivations. The originality and contributions of this methodology lie in its ability to integrate multiple approaches and uncover critical underlying patterns for business success.
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