Customers Training and its Relation with Intention to Use Internet Banking


  • Marcos Paulo Albarello Friedrich Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Kenny Basso Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Lurdes Marlene Seide Froemming Faculdade Meridional - IMED
  • Henrique Webber Baseggio Faculdade Meridional - IMED



Internet Banking, Training, Intention to Use.


The number of users of internet banking in Brazil has grown very fast in recent years, reaching more than 37 million (Febrabran, 2013). This system is an excellent tool for reducing bank queues, but the total users, only 20% make their financial transactions over the internet, the rest uses only for queries. Based on these data and in order to enlarge the use of the system, this study seeks to identify the impact of training on internet banking on the intended use of that mediated by risk perception, by trust and perceived ease of use system. A descriptive / quantitative research data collection via online questionnaire was conducted. The results showed significant values ​​for both mediating variables and allowed to conclude that the training internet banking expands the intended use indirectly, by reducing the perception of risk and increased ease of use and perceived confidence.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Paulo Albarello Friedrich, Faculdade Meridional - IMED

Mestre em Administração. Professor da IMED Business School.

Kenny Basso, Faculdade Meridional - IMED

Doutor em Administração. Professor e Pesquisador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da IMED Business School.

Lurdes Marlene Seide Froemming, Faculdade Meridional - IMED

Doutora em Administração. Professora e Pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da IMED Business School.

Henrique Webber Baseggio, Faculdade Meridional - IMED

Graduando em Administração pela IMED Business School.



How to Cite

Friedrich, M. P. A., Basso, K., Froemming, L. M. S., & Baseggio, H. W. (2016). Customers Training and its Relation with Intention to Use Internet Banking. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(5), 655–668.