Is today a posting day? A cross-cultural study on Twitter
Social media, Engagement, Posting day, Twitter, Cross-culturalAbstract
Objective: The study aimed to analyze the effect of the day of the week on the engagement of users on Twitter.
Method: This is a quantitative, conclusive, descriptive research, with data collection by observation and analysis via descriptive statistics and T-test. A total of 51,967 posts were analyzed by 45 of the professional profiles with the highest number of followers from five countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, USA, and Mexico) in a period of 24 months.
Originality/Relevance: The study seeks to deepen the engagement in social media, especially Twitter. The results were found to indicate the existence of the effects of the day of posting and the country of the profile on the engagement of users on Twitter.
Results: The results revealed that Saturday and Sunday have a lower average of posts; however, they have a higher average in the two engagement variables. There was a statistically significant and positive difference in the retweet variable in posts on the weekend. The favorite variable did not show a statistical difference. The results show differences in user behavior in the five countries regarding engagement.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study advances the literature on the influence of the day of the week on engagement and cultural differences between countries on engagement.
Social/management contributions: Managerial, the study provides input for marketing professionals to plan posts for greater engagement in a social media platform focused on texts, according to the day and country in which the content is made available.
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