The influence of country of origin image on conative loyalty in cross-border e-commerce




Country of origin; Cross-border; E-commerce


Objective of the study: The objective of this article was to investigate the influence of country of origin and brand image on trust, satisfaction, and conative loyalty in cross-border e-commerce.

Methodology: As a methodology, an online form was made available for Brazilian consumers of e-commerce in China. With a sample of 388 respondents, data analysis was performed via structural equation modeling using the R software.

Main Results: The main results were that the country of origin, brand image, trust, and satisfaction can influence purchasing behavior. Trust and satisfaction influence conative loyalty. However, conative loyalty, which is the repurchase process, is influenced by trust and satisfaction, which reinforces the need for a good purchasing experience to increase the loyal customer base. Furthermore, the sincerity factor proved quite influential in terms of trust, reinforcing the need for transparency in the brand’s communication with the consumer.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: As a theoretical contribution, this study states that based on the sample studied, the Brazilian consumer who has already made at least one purchase through Chinese e-commerce is not susceptible to the country of origin effect since the image of the country of origin and brands have no influence on each other or on trust, which is less of a barrier to trust.



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Author Biographies

Giulia Fuentes Rigo, Universidade de São Paulo - EACH/USP


Pablo Kennet Santos, Universidade de São Paulo - EACH/USP


George Bedinelli Rossi, Universidade de São Paulo - EACH/USP, São Paulo


Viviane Chunques Gervasoni, Universidade de São Paulo - EACH/USP



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How to Cite

Rigo, G. F., Santos, P. K., Rossi, G. B., & Gervasoni, V. C. (2024). The influence of country of origin image on conative loyalty in cross-border e-commerce. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 23(2), 752–792.
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