Green on the outside, gray on the inside? exploring transparency in the communication of small sustainable fashion brands on Instagram
Fashion, Small Business, Sustainability, Transparency, Social mediaAbstract
Objective: To classify and critically appraise how small sustainable fashion brands demonstrate transparency in communicating their sustainable practices on social media. Method: Qualitative and documentary approach, through content analysis of 632 photos, 163 videos, and 170 captions from the Feed and Story Highlights sections of 17 Brazilian brands with up to 50,000 followers on Instagram.
Originality/Relevance: While transparency in the online communication of large sustainable fashion brands has been widely studied, there is a shortage of analysis on small brands. This research fills this gap, highlighting the importance of understanding how these brands publicize sustainable initiatives on social media.
Results: Although visual marketing strategies prevail in the Feed, a more transparent and authentic approach is adopted in Stories about internal processes, artisanal production, women's work, socio-environmental projects, and raw materials. However, there are shortcomings in disclosing socio-environmental impact figures, recognizing challenges and areas for improvement, and communicating fair pay for workers.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study deepens the understanding of how small fashion brands approach the communication of their sustainable practices in the digital environment, identifying neglected aspects of this communication.
Social/management contributions: The findings offer practical insights for improving the online communication strategies of emerging sustainable fashion brands, aiming for more transparent and authentic communication with their audiences, to avoid the spread of false marketing discourses.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Francisco Mateus da Silva Cruz, Ana Augusta Ferreira de Freitas, Felipe Roberto da Silva

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