Exploring the relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Brand Equity (BE) and Corporate Reputation (CR): A Systematic Literature Review





Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Brand Equity (BE), Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE), Corporate Reputation (CR), Systematic Literature Review (SLR)


Purpose: This study analyzes, through a Systematic Literature Review, the relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility, Consumer-Based Brand Equity, and Corporate Reputation, evidenced by the literature.

Method: We used the SPAR-4-SLR protocol to investigate existing scientific literature and examined scientific articles published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Results: The results highlight the growing importance of these themes in the literature and provide a deeper understanding of the relationships between CSR, RC, and BE and their impacts on company results, providing valuable insights for researchers and professionals dedicated to understanding the interactions between these themes.

Originality: This study addresses a gap in the literature by conducting an SLR that investigates the relationships between CSR, BE, and RC, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in the area and providing important findings for advancing discoveries in the field.

Theoretical Contributions: The findings highlight the importance of an ethical and transparent approach to CSR practices, contributing to a more comprehensive literature on reputation and brand equity management in the contemporary business context.

Managerial Implications: Companies can benefit from integrating CSR as a fundamental part of their business strategy, aiming not only to build a positive reputation but also to create long-term value for the brand and its stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

Isabela Marques Kumer, Federal University of Santa Maria

Master's Degree Student in Administration

Sirlei Glasenapp, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doutora em Desenvolvimento Rural

Marta Olivia Rovedder de Oliveira, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doutorado em Administração

David Lorenzi Junior, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Regional


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How to Cite

Kumer, I. M., Glasenapp, S., Oliveira, M. O. R. de, & Junior, D. . L. (2025). Exploring the relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Brand Equity (BE) and Corporate Reputation (CR): A Systematic Literature Review. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 24(1), 21–77. https://doi.org/10.5585/2025.26750
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