In the right place at the right time: a review of mobile location-based marketing and a research agenda



Palabras clave:

Geolocation, Location-Based Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Retail, Traffic acquisition


Objective: Based on the increasingly pervasive presence of mobile in the retail context, the purpose of the present research is to examine the potential effects of the mobile message content and the geolocation data as drivers of store visits, connecting online efforts to offline behavior.

Method: This article provides a literature review of what is known about mobile marketing, location-based communication, and push-notification effect on customers’ attitudes and behavior.

Results: We synthesize arguments for location-based push notifications related to visits to the offline site, and coupons offer, personalized and high-engagement content. Based on numerous findings from marketing and customer research, we identify a set of general propositions.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study intends to contribute to theories of mobile marketing, omnichannel customer behavior as well as the understanding of geolocation promotions. By identifying strategies that marketers may employ for more effective geolocation promotions, the research identifies gaps in our current knowledge and thereby outlines opportunities for future research.

Managerial implications: The main assumption behind our review is that the content and the timing of the message (considering the customer’s geolocation) increase the visits to offline sites. Context and convenience as the primary drivers of the effect (visits to the offline POS generated by mobile notifications), considering that context and convenience are represented by geolocation and message content. That provides the base for a mobile model for companies to attract customers to physical locations This research contributes by enlightening the path to mobile activation in retail multichannel channel strategy.


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Biografía del autor/a

Annaysa Salvador Muniz Kamiya, Centro Universitário FEI

PhD in Business Administration

Diana Sinclair Pereira Branisso, FGV Eaesp

Master in Business Administration


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Cómo citar

Kamiya, A. S. M., & Branisso, D. S. P. (2021). In the right place at the right time: a review of mobile location-based marketing and a research agenda. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(2), 199–225.


