Evaluating the Logistical Service in a Hybrid System of Marketing


  • Mônica Vivianne Teixeira Rosa Fundação Pedro Leopoldo
  • Bruno Pellizzaro Dias Afonso Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - IFNMG
  • Eloísa Helena Rodrigues Guimarães Fundação Pedro Leopoldo
  • Tarcisio Afonso Fundação Pedro Leopoldo




Marketing Channels, Multi-channel, Logistic Services.


The hybrid system of marketing, also referred to as multi-channel, has become an effective strategy of maintaining and expanding markets. However, the success of a new market channel is guided in its ability to provide an effective logistics services. The objective of this study was to identify how the logistical service provided by a new multi-channel distributor is assessed from the perspective of marketing channel agents. It is used an analytical model with dimensions of quality logistics services based on literature. For the analysis of the survey were conducted tests based on statistical inference, as T-Student test, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW). Evaluation results showed favorable rates as the logistics service provided by multi-channel and also indicated good levels in the quality of logistics services present in the production chain investigated. However, some dimensions of logistics services surveyed reported rates likely to improvements such as ease of procedures and post-delivery support. It was concluded that the strategy to diversify marketing channels provides strategic resource for organizations, providing opportunities for increased market share, brand consolidation, greater market coverage, logistic skills and differentiation from competitors.


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Author Biographies

Mônica Vivianne Teixeira Rosa, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Mestre em Administração pela Fundação Pedro LeopoldoÁrea: Marketing e Logística

Bruno Pellizzaro Dias Afonso, Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - IFNMG

Doutor em Administração.Professor do Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais.

Eloísa Helena Rodrigues Guimarães, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Professora do MPA da Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Tarcisio Afonso, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Ph.D em AdministraçãoProfessor do Mestrado Profissional em Administração da Fundação Pedro Leopoldo - MGÁrea de Marketing e Logística



How to Cite

Rosa, M. V. T., Afonso, B. P. D., Guimarães, E. H. R., & Afonso, T. (2016). Evaluating the Logistical Service in a Hybrid System of Marketing. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(3), 418–431. https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v15i3.3369