Place branding Pernambuco: analysis of the feelings of the users through Instagram hashtags




Tourism, Place branding, Marketing, Sentiment Analysis


Study objective: Analyzing the feelings of the content generated by users on Instagram, expressed in hashtags linked to the Pernambuco brand. Specific objectives: analyzing the feelings of Instagram users from hashtags related to the Pernambuco brand; analyzing the content linked to feelings and their polarities.

Methodology/approach: Qualitative Methodology regarding data classification. Quantitative when considering the frequency of the data. To reach the objectives, a Sentiment Analysis (SA) was performed from the comments generated on Instagram using the hashtags #turismopernambuco, #descubrapernambuco, #borapernambucar, #passaportepernambuco, and #pernambucomeupais.

Main results: The content shared in the hashtags has mostly the appreciation of environmental, cultural, and symbolic values of the place brand in the feelings of positive polarity, reverberating in the network of stakeholders (residents, tourists, government, and companies), while the feelings of negative polarity can emerge in the face of specific situations.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The findings contribute significantly to sustainable development and support contemporary strategies regarding the design of the place brand, considering the perspective of the resident and potential visitor.

Relevance/originality: Machine learning was used to understand the values that constitute the Pernambuco brand, underpinning public policies to promote tourism in the region.

Management or social implications: It is suggested that studies that develop sentiment analysis of user content in social networks can be used by public managers to understand tourist behavior, through action research, using the data and information obtained to better prepare and adapt the destination.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Italo Macêdo Prudêncio de Lima, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) - Postgraduate Program in Business Administration (PPGA)

Master of Business Administration

Gabriel Rodrigo Gomes Pessanha, Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL) - Institute of Applied Social Sciences (ICSA

PhD in Business

Maria Valéria Pereira de Araújo, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) - Department of Administrative Sciences

PhD in Business


Rebeka Coelho de Almeida Alves, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) - Postgraduate Program in Business Administration (PPGA)

Master in Business


Marilia Ferreira Paes Cesário, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) - Postgraduate Program in Tourism (PPGTUR)

Master in Geography


Ana Clara Firmino de Oliveira Rocha, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) - Postgraduate Program in Business Administration (PPGA)

Graduate in Business



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How to Cite

de Lima, J. I. M. P., Pessanha, G. R. G., Araújo, M. V. P. de, Alves, R. C. de A., Cesário, M. F. P., & Rocha, A. C. F. de O. (2022). Place branding Pernambuco: analysis of the feelings of the users through Instagram hashtags. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(1), 154–184.