Netnography: unveiling human narratives in a digital world
Netnography, Consumer, Internet, Social mediaAbstract
Objective: This study aims to present netnography as a methodology inserted in the cultural perspective of consumption studies, discussing its origin, characteristics, implementation stages and its challenges, in addition to proposing opportunities for future studies.
Method: The article is a theoretical essay based on a critical reflection of the authors from a literature review on netnography as a research methodology.
Originality/Relevance: Consumers are increasingly leaving traces of their narratives on the various existing online platforms, which means valuable information for managers and researchers. However, netnography, a methodology that seeks to interpret human communications mediated by technologies, has been relatively little used in the Brazilian academic environment. The article presents in detail the 12 steps of netnography, considering its origin and development, aiming to expand its use by Brazilian researchers.
Results: Based on reflections on the existing literature, the article presents the 12 steps of netnography, discusses the main ethical aspects of the methodology and suggests a research agenda.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: Expand the use of netnography, from a humanist perspective, especially in Brazilian studies.
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