The mediating effect of export market orientation on the relationship between innovation capabilities and export performance: the context of small and medium-sized companies




Orientação para o mercado externo, Capacidades de Inovação, Desempenho Exportador, PMEs exportadoras.


Objective: This study aimed to analyze the mediating effect of export market orientation (EMO) on the relationship between the innovation capabilities (ICs) and export performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Method: The present study used a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The research was carried out with managers of food and beverage exporting companies. A questionnaire was applied, generating a sample of 120 companies from different regions of Brazil, and hypothesis testing was done using structural equation modeling aided by SmartPLS® software.

Relevance: This study seeks to contribute to discussions on strategic marketing management by emphasizing export market orientation in SMEs and its relationships with the innovation capacity and performance of these companies. In the managerial context, it is clear that, to achieve better performance in foreign markets, managers need to use EMO as a market mechanism to strengthen their capabilities, optimize their strategies and thus achieve better international performance.

Results: This study confirms the full mediating effect of EMO on the relationship between ICs and the export performance of SMEs, demonstrating the positive effect of innovation capabilities on export market orientation, as well as the positive effect of export market orientation on export performance. In the presence of EMO, the direct positive effect of innovation capabilities on export performance did not occur.

Theoretical contributions: This research contributes to knowledge in the field of ​​marketing strategy management by identifying that understanding the external market, with EMO, strengthens the relationship between innovation capabilities and the export performance of SMEs.


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Author Biographies

Paola Tramontin Marques, Federal University of Paraná

Master's Administration student at UFPR and Marketing Strategy Researcher

Simone Regina Didonet, Federal University of Paraná

PhD Associate Professor at UFPR and Marketing Strategy Researcher


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How to Cite

Marques, P. T., & Didonet, S. R. (2024). The mediating effect of export market orientation on the relationship between innovation capabilities and export performance: the context of small and medium-sized companies. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 23(4), 1595–1664.