The acceptance of electric vehicles: a model derived from TAM
Electric vehicles, TAM model, Usage intention, Consumer behaviorAbstract
Objective: This study aims to develop and empirically test a derivation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on the acceptance of electric vehicles (EV).
Theoretical Approach/Method: The analysis was based on an original theoretical model adapted from the TAM, a theory based on information systems that models how users start to accept and use a given piece of technology. An online questionnaire applied to graduate students in Brazil was used, and the answers were analyzed using structural equations. The final sample consisted of 209 graduate students from three universities in Brazil. The data collection instrument was validated by Confirmatory Factor Analysis. For the hypothesis test, path analysis was used.
Results: The results indicated a positive relationship between the intentions of use of electric vehicles and the perceptions about Ease of Use, Green Utility, and Potential Infrastructure Readiness. The results also showed that there is no evidence of a direct positive relationship between the Environmental Concern factor and the intention to use EVs.
Theoretical and managerial contributions: The original theoretical model proposed and tested here contributes to the TAM theory. By studying factors that stimulate or encourage the purchase intention and potential consumer behavior of EVs in the Brazilian market, it contributes to future management and governmental policies in this segment.
Relevance/Originality: The theoretical model adds original factors to the TAM, to explain the acceptance of EVs.
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