Rio de Janeiro brand identity: an analysis of the physical and symbolic dimensions



Palabras clave:

Rio de Janeiro, Brand identity, Physical dimension, Symbolic dimension, Place brand


Study objective: To present an analysis of Rio brand identity in its physical and symbolic dimensions, following the theory according to which the city brand is composed of three different elements: identity, image and reputation, being the brand identity erected from physical and symbolic evidence.

Method: A qualitative method to document analysis was used. It requires data from documents to be reviewed and interpreted in order to extract meaning and understanding, following some steps: bibliographical research; thematic analysis; data collection and evaluation; identification of meaningful data; data interpretation; information analysis; and discussion of findings. We accessed approximately 284 documents, including research papers, e-mails, newsletters, companies and government reports, newspaper articles etc.

Main results: The results expose the differences and peculiarities of the physical and symbolic dimensions of Rio brand identity. While in the physical dimension, Rio brand performed poorly in the productive aspect, in the cultural-historical scope the municipal government has sought to expand the network of public cultural spaces, strengthen access to culture. In the political aspect, difficult to create spaces for civil society participation in the formulation of public policies were noticed. Regarding the symbolic dimension, intangible attributes recently have indicated unsatisfactory levels of esteem, admiration, and trust of Rio’s residents for a successful city brand, with important initiatives concerning the promotion of the city connections and potentialities strongly based on innovation and sustainability. Together, these dimensions can strengthen the identity of Rio’s brand, indicating suitable instruments for the city development.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The main contributions of this study are to explore the physical and symbolic dimensions of a city brand identity and to interpret it in detail, considering the recent evolution of the city. It also contributes to marketing literature, addressing elements of the city brand rarely discussed theoretically, such as the physical and symbolic dimensions of a city brand identity and its components.

Relevance/originality: The study of the physical and symbolic dimensions of a city brand identity is very rare in marketing literature, so this investigation provides a new way to understand the conjuncture of a city – through its productive, political, and cultural-historical dimensions, and also considering its connections, potentialities and intangible attributes –, which can help in future studies related to the interpretation of the place brand identity and this field of knowledge.

Managerial and social implications: This study provides subsidies and knowledge that facilitate the design of public policies based on the understanding of the city's current identity.


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Biografía del autor/a

Daniel Kamlot, ESPM; FGV/Ebape; PUC-Rio

PhD in Business Administration

Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus, PUC-Rio

PhD in International Relations


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Cómo citar

Kamlot, D., & Santos Vieira de Jesus, D. (2022). Rio de Janeiro brand identity: an analysis of the physical and symbolic dimensions. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(1), 64–87.