Playful culture: the influence of playing through riverside objects on learning of child




playful culture, riverside child, riverside objects, learning


Rivers and forests are scenarios that invite the imagination of riverside children to play fishing, climb trees, and create their playful experiences. In this context, this article results from a study on the categories of analysis in recreational culture, riverside objects and learning, based on the theoretical foundations of Kishimoto (2007), Brougère (1998), Vygotsky (1998) and others. The investigation discusses learning in riverside children's recreational culture as a research object, thus, the following question was formulated: how does playing through riverside objects influence children's learning? The research was based on a qualitative approach in case study methodology. The collected data were interpreted in content analysis. The results show that the riverside object present in the child's reality and playful memory contributes to learning, in the sense of being involved in the culture that they build and share in the context of the community.



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Author Biographies

Solange dos Santos Conceição, State University of Amapá

Especialista em Gestão Escolar

Ângela do Céu Ubaiara Brito, State University of Amapá

Doutora em Educação (FEUSP)


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How to Cite

CONCEIÇÃO, Solange dos Santos; BRITO, Ângela do Céu Ubaiara. Playful culture: the influence of playing through riverside objects on learning of child. Dialogia, [S. l.], n. 51, p. e25297, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/51.2024.25297. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.



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