Improving the firm innovation capacity through the adoption of standardized innovation management systems: a comparative analysis of the ISO 56002:2019 with the literature on firm innovation capacity




Dynamic capabilities, Firm innovation capacity, Innovation management, Continuous improvement, Standardization.


Objective of the study: Investigate how firm innovation capacity can be improved by adopting ISO 56002: 2019.

Methodology/approach: The methodology adopted is a comparative analysis of the ISO 56002: 2019 with the literature on firm innovation capacity. The methods employed in the study included a review of the literature on the dynamic capabilities and firm innovation capacity, and qualitative documentary research that consisted of three phases: pre-analysis, organization of documents, and the analysis of results, using information from the texts of the guidelines and processes indicated by ISO 56002: 2019, which additionally involved the ISO 56000 family of standards.

Originality/Relevance: The adoption of innovation management standards generates several theoretical challenges when exploring details of their implementation systematically and routinely and empirical challenges such as understanding the advent of ISO 56002: 2019 for innovation management.

Main results: Similarities were found between the determinants of innovation capacity and the ISO 56002: 2019 Clauses, as each of the seven factors found a relationship with one or more ISO 56002: 2019 clauses.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The findings obtained can be used by researchers interested in studying different innovation management models, innovation capacity, and, particularly, the dynamics of continuous improvement of the performance of an innovation management system and its interrelationship and interaction with other factors.

Social/management contributions: Contrary to common sense in which the normalization of innovation management seems to be counter-intuitive, it is suggested that the adoption of ISO 56002: 2019 allows the innovation process to be managed, systematized, and replicated improving firm innovation capacity.


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Author Biography

Silvio Bitencourt da Silva, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS

Doutorado em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos - UNISINOS. Atualmente exerce a função de professor do Mestrado Profissional em Direito da Empresa e dos Negócios e dos MBAs em Gestão nos campos da inovação e estratégia; e a função de Gerente de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação na Unidade Acadêmica de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da UNISINOS. Tem experiência em gestão de instituições de educação profissional e tecnologia; implantação e avaliação de sistemas e modelos de gestão como p. ex. o Modelo de Excelência da Gestão - MEG da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade - FNQ; implantação de processos de planejamento estratégico em empresas, instituições de ensino técnico e superior e entidades representativas com sindicatos patronais e associações; e gestão de parcerias de PD&I. Sua pesquisa orbita nos temas sobre estratégias interorganizacionais e gestão da inovação (tecnológica e social), com ênfase na adoção de estratégias de inovação aberta pelas empresas, e políticas públicas para inovação tecnológica.


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How to Cite

Silva, S. B. da. (2021). Improving the firm innovation capacity through the adoption of standardized innovation management systems: a comparative analysis of the ISO 56002:2019 with the literature on firm innovation capacity. International Journal of Innovation, 9(2), 389–413.


