The role of corporate risk management in the relationship between open innovation and organizational strategy
Open innovation, Organizational strategy, Corporate risk management, Hospitality sector, Structural equation modeling.Abstract
Objective of the study: This study aims to analyze the relationship between open innovation and organizational strategy. Additionally, the mediating effect of corporate risk management on it was assessed.
Methodology/approach: A quantitative study was conducted in Portugal based on a survey with 251 executive directors of SME hotels. Structural equations modeling was used in this study.
Originality/relevance: While other studies have analyzed the relationship between open innovation and organizational strategy, this study deepens the knowledge of the mediating effect of corporate risk management on it.
Main results: The results show that (1) open innovation improves corporate risk management and organizational strategy, (2) corporate risk influences organizational strategy, and (3) corporate risk management has a mediating effect on the relationship between open innovation and organizational strategy.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This study provides a theoretical framework for understanding the relationships between three constructs (open innovation, corporate risk management and organizational strategy) in SMEs in the hospitality sector, not yet explored by academics.
Social/management contributions: This study will guide managers of SMEs in the hospitality sector in defining strategies to develop the relevant resources and contribute to the definition of effective government policies, programs and incentives to support the adherence or expansion of the open innovation model for companies in this sector.
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