Narratives and adolescent tessituras: methodology and challenges of a researcher
Narrative interview, Qualitative research, Teens, Educational measuresAbstract
This article discusses the possibilities of narrative interview as a theoretical-methodological resource in qualitative research. The reflections raised come from the research that resulted in the master's thesis in which the author positions her readings about the representations constructed by adolescents in compliance with socio-educational measures. The investigative path and continuous exercises that intended to translate with intelligibility that the adolescents surveyed brought in their narratives are reported. The use of narrative interviews was guided by the need to understand how adolescents (re)meant compliance with the socio-educational measure. Focusing on the unique experiences of each adolescent, it was observed that narratives provoke changes in the ways in which the subjects understand themselves, others and, for this reason, are important strategies that cause reflection in a emancipatory perspective and youth protagonism. It was concluded that this methodology allowed the approximation between the researcher and adolescents, evidencing the subjective dimension in the narrative process.Downloads
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