Youth and adult education in Brazil: between paths discontinuous and the expectation of the right
Right to education, Social right, Youth and adult education.Abstract
This article aims, based on bibliographical review and documentary analysis, to discuss the historical and theoretical aspects of the right to education, relating them to the Youth and Adult Education (YAE) in Brazil. The references used include authors who present a broad view of the right, such as Marshall and Bobbio; others who are dedicated to the discussions of the right to education, such as Cury; in addition to researchers who specifically study YAE, such as Paiva and Machado. The article intends to contribute towards broadening the visibility of the right to education movement, ratifying that this action has always emphasized the struggle for human dignity and the principle of equality. It has been found that it is necessary to implement public policies that focus on reducing the historically accumulated inequalities, guaranteeing the access, permanence, and success in learning of YAE subjects.Downloads
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Recebido em: 24 mar. 2020/ Aprovado em: 06 jul. 2020.
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