Rousseau and Marx – two “romantics” of the educational thought


  • Sandra Regina Gomes UNINOVE, São Paulo
  • Sérgio Lourenço Simões UNINOVE, São Paulo



Clássicos. Escola e trabalho. Romantismo pedagógico. Rousseau e Marx.


This article intend to inquire in a comparative study the evolution of the education in schools, in front of approaches purposed by classic theoreticians like Rousseau and Marx that, when applied in our days could be able to identify characteristics that can be analyzed by the point of view of others, the meaning of the ideas exposed of each researched author. In this article we considerate those authors like two “romantics” of the educational thought, safeguarded the differences in the historic context that they lived – the 18th and 19th centuries, respectively – by measures when they refused against models of their age like word dreamers, profound knowledge of their realities and historic unconformities subjects that reveal an authenticate society of the inequality but also they were able to propose with boldness a new social order.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Regina Gomes, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Professora de Geografia da Rede Pública Paulista; Especialista em Economia do Trabalho e Sindicalismo – Unicamp; Mestre em Educação – Uninove

Sérgio Lourenço Simões, UNINOVE, São Paulo

Professora de Geografia da Rede Pública Paulista; Especialista em Economia do Trabalho e Sindicalismo – Unicamp; Mestre em Educação – Uninove



How to Cite

REGINA GOMES, Sandra; LOURENÇO SIMÕES, Sérgio. Rousseau and Marx – two “romantics” of the educational thought. Dialogia, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 249–258, 2010. DOI: 10.5585/dialogia.v8i2.2053. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


