Significant learning in the contexto of remote teaching
Information and Communication Technology, Meaningful learning, Remote TeachingAbstract
This paper registers part of a professional Master's research entitled "Communication and information technologies as a motivational factor for elementary education". The studies were then expanded on meaningful learning considering the context of remote education with the adoption of the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the pandemic of COVID-19. It presents a description of what this learning is, in what conditions it can occur and the initial formulations on the theme from the perspective of scholars like Ausubel and his collaborators and possibilities of teaching and learning using ICT - Information and Communication Technology for the educational process. Such formulations and studies provide a reflection on the possibilities of these resources as facilitators in the construction of knowledge by the elementary school student in a significant and critical way. The research unveiled social inequalities of students in a public educational institution and gaps in teacher training in the use of technological resources.
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