Cultural studies and multiculturalism: possibilities for the curriculum
Education. Curriculum. Multiculturalism.Abstract
The historical trajectories of migratory flows, the fragmentation of fixed ideas of State Nation, cultural and economic globalization are important factors for the emergence of multiculturalism, however the Cultural Studies (E.C) contributed to the construction of ideas in this field. Anchored by theoretical and political approaches, the studies integrate a critical aspect, which questions the liberal, economic and conservative structures and tries to understand the cultural phenomenon as a space of meanings and meanings that interferes in the constitution of the identities, in this logic some actions have been taken in the scope of state policies, the claims of the silenced groups are being heard. An example of this movement is the curriculum policies implemented in schools, especially in the last decades of the last century, in this sense the text tries to problematize some questions about E.C, multiculturalism, as well as the curriculum as a space of culture.Downloads
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