About the Journal

EccoS is the scientific journal of the Graduate Program in Education at the Nove de Julho University (PPGE-Uninove) which, throughout its historical trajectory, started in 1999, aims to disseminate works in the educational sciences and related sciences, referenced in the “generating themes” defined periodically by its Editorial Board.

It has guaranteed the institutional diversity of recognized authors in the field of education, always avoiding the undesirable endogeny.

The journal consists of thematic dossiers, original articles in the form of essays, or resulting from scientifically consolidated research, and reviews. Priority has been given to works produced in co-authorship, in order to stimulate interinstitutional exchange and cooperation.

It has counted on the collaboration of researchers and researchers from universities and research institutions from all regions of Brazil, as well as from countries in Europe, the United States, Asia and Africa.

EccoS is registered in numerous and qualified indexing bases, national and foreign.

It has caused, with its publications, wide and deep repercussions in the scientific-academic community, showing a progressive expansion of its credibility.

EccoS follows the rules of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT).

EccoS is rated as Qualis-Capes as A3

Periodicity: continuous flow (from July 2020).

Current Issue

No. 71: Dossier 71 - The Philosophy of Education in Times of Cultural Crisis

Continuous Flow (Oct./Dec. 2024)

Published: 2024-12-13


  • A filosofia da educação em tempos de crise cultural

    Cleide Rita Silvério de Almeida, Elaine Teresinha Dal Mas Dias, Antonio Joaquim Severino
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.27699

Dossiê 71 - A Filosofia da Educação em tempos de crise cultural


  • School inclusion policy: movements in the brazilian deaf community

    Ana Cristina de Assunção Xavier Ferreira, Thelma Helena Costa Chahini
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.26288
  • Pedagogical innovation: how do academic productions dialogue with conceptual understandings?

    Mariangela Oliveira Lago Rosier, Ana Cristina Ghisleni
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.25422
  • Environmental education, revivals and presences in disputes: contributions to school teaching

    Mateus Filho Vieira do Nascimento, Lisiane Costa Claro , Roberta Avila Pereira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.26283
  • Night literary soirée: educational paths to reduce damage in the poetic interface between public schools

    Francisco José Figueiredo Coelho, Andrea Viana da Silva Diniz
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.26242
  • FOR For decent student training: pedagogy of dialogue in the approach to action research in human rights LA PÉDAGOGIE DU DIALOGUE DANS L’APPROCHE DE RECHERCHE-ACTION EN DROITS DE L’HOMME

    Fabiana de Moura Cabral Malta , Gregory Balthazar , Simone Amorim
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.26212
  • Men's teachers in childhood education: the school principals’ conception

    Nonato Assis de Miranda, Iristeu Gomes Barboza
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.26135
  • John Dewey's contributions to the implementation of design thinking in education

    Josélia Galiciano Pedro, Sidinei de Oliveira Sousa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.25743
  • Notes for a pedagogy of helplessness: ethics, aesthetics and alterity as principles of freedom

    Guilherme Lucian
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.25701
  • Written text production during the covid-19 pandemic through remote teaching in portuguese language classes

    Rafael Signato de Melo, Acir Mário Karwoski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.25555
  • Continuing training of basic education teachers in amazonas: results analysis

    Aldenei Bentes Vieira, Carolina Brandão Gonçalves
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.25480
  • Scientific production on student permanence in vocational education and training

    Denise Maria Martins, Claudia Alexandre dos Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5585/eccos.n71.25437


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