Lifestyle influencers on social media

which content and profiles attract and retain followers?




Online Consumer Behavior; Social media influencer; Follower; Social media; Experiment; Web celebrity


Purpose: The study examined how lifestyle influencers’ profiles and video content impact the likelihood of potential and current followers following the influencer on social media.

Method: We carried out one within and between-subjects experiment with manipulated variables of influencers’ profiles and video content, measuring the probability of following or continuing to follow the social media influencer.

Main results: The results show that posts with informational content, such as tutorials, tips, and teachings, are better than those with playful content for potential consumers to start following influencers. Those with an expert profile do better when the content is informational, and those with an attractive profile do better when the content is playful. The well-known influencer is immediately better at retaining a following, and the expert catches her up the next instant.

Theoretical/methodological/practical contribution: Lifestyle influencers want to attract and retain many followers on social media. It finds that their success is due to a combination of factors, including their expertise, fame, attraction, and the content they post. The study guides established and aspiring influencers looking to succeed in the competitive world of celebrity web marketing.

Relevance/Originality: The findings shed light on the key elements that make influencers' content appealing to followers, optimizing social media strategies to grow their following and expand their reach. This research offers insights for professional influencers looking to promote their human brands in the media.


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Author Biographies

Marcella Turon Baran, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Graduada em Administração

Rafael Barreiros Porto, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Professor e pesquisador no PPGA/UnB


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How to Cite

Baran, M. T., & Porto, R. B. (2023). Lifestyle influencers on social media: which content and profiles attract and retain followers?. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(5), 2133–2183.

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