Education as a mechanism of overcoming the relations of oppression crossed by the weakness of the Ego
Education, Freud, Paulo Freire, Oppression, PsychoanalysisAbstract
In view of the theoretical and historical analysis of the relations of oppression and the defense mechanisms of the Ego, based on the works of Paulo Freire and Freud, it can be said that there is a significant relationship between the fragility of the Ego, the host consciousness and the maintenance ideologies as a fundamental mechanism for such a weakening process. With the consolidation of the chains of oppression that take place in the face of social realities, maintained as immutable and affected by the difficulties presented as insurmountable, education is an alternative for transformation and the creation of real possibilities for all social strata. In this sense, the article discusses the understanding of the need for access to education, as well as some of the factors that permeate its absence.Downloads
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