Social representations of resocialization through Education: can prison become an educational space?
Prison education, Resocialization, Social representations.Abstract
This article derives from a research carried out with 80 subjects, in two male prisons in Rio de Janeiro, with the objective of identifying social representations of resocialization through education. We present aspects related to the perception of the school and to a social representation that emerged in the analysis of the collected data: that of “framework”, a series of attitudes and thoughts that allow survival inside the prison. We conclude by stating three imperative needs: the construction of a concept of prison education not as a benefit, but as a citizen right; material and human investment in educational spaces located in a prison environment; and the existence of a real school of resocialization. This school cannot be represented as derived from the “framework” of prisoners, but act for the outside world and promote the creation of support networks in the context “outside the walls”, also contemplating the families of prisoners.Downloads
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