The dimension of educational robotics as educational space
Active methodologies, Educational robotics, Pedagogical practice.Abstract
This article discusses the use of robotics in educational environments, considering the spaces for these practices, with their own characteristics and dynamics, as new educational spaces. The main objective of this article is to lay a theoretical foundation on the practice of educational robotics, as well as to propose its use through educational workshops. Thus, the research question was proposed: "Would it be possible to interpret the practices that are adopted for the development of educational robotics from the perspective of active methodologies?". In this investigation, an educational robotics workshop was held, developing planning, application and evaluation phases. This research used action research with a qualitative approach, using as methodological instruments the interview and the semi-structured questionnaire. The data analysis indicates the positive evaluation on the part of the students regarding the experiences lived in robotics championships and the satisfaction with the methodology developed during the realization of the workshop.Downloads
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